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          It is the result of tummy tuck performed by Ekrem Keskin, MD. For reference purposes only, results may vary.


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          &All About Tummy Tuck

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          What is Tummy Tuck?

          A tummy tuck, known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to tighten loose skin and muscles caused by weight loss or pregnancy. It removes excess fat and skin, creating a smoother abdomen. 

          Suitable for both men and women in good health, especially those with loose skin due to weight loss. It's also an option for individuals who were once obese and still have excess fat or loose skin in the abdominal area.

          Who Might Want To Get Tummy Tuck?

          Tummy tuck surgery is suitable for individuals with loose skin, excess fat, and separated abdominal muscles, regardless of gender. However, it's not recommended if planning future pregnancies due to potential impacts on muscle tightening. 

          Similarly, ongoing weight loss or minimal skin excess primarily caused by fat may make tummy tuck surgery less appropriate. It's crucial to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on individual circumstances and goals for optimal results and safety.

          Who are the Right Candidates for Tummy Tuck?

          • If you are in good health and at a stable weight,
          • If you are within 10–15 pounds of your goal weight,
          • If your body mass index (BMI) is lower than 30,
          • If you are in the knowledge of that the procedure is not a weight-loss surgery,
          • If you are a non-smoker or can quit at least six weeks before the tummy tuck surgery
          • If you are over 18 then you are the right candidate for abdominoplasty surgery.

          How is Tummy Tuck Done?

          Tummy tuck surgery comes in two types: Mini Tummy Tuck and Extended Tummy Tuck. Mini Tummy Tuck tightens the lower abdomen with a short scar, suitable for those without significant protrusion. 

          It lasts under 2 hours and recovery takes 1 to 3 weeks. Extended Tummy Tuck tightens the abdomen and flanks with a longer scar, known as a full tummy tuck. Surgery takes 90 minutes to 5 hours, and recovery lasts 4 to 6 weeks. 

          Both surgeries require general anesthesia and may involve liposuction. Compression garments are worn post-surgery to reduce swelling. Side effects include pain, swelling, numbness, and bruising.

          How Should You Prepare For Tummy Tuck?

          Preparing for abdominoplasty involves several important steps to ensure a successful surgery and smooth recovery.

          Before the operation:

          1. Quit smoking at least three weeks before surgery to promote better healing.
          2. Inform your surgeon about any chronic illnesses and medications you're taking regularly.
          3. Avoid aspirin or other blood thinners as advised by your doctor.
          4. Plan to take at least a week off work for adequate rest post-surgery.
          5. Arrange for someone to accompany you home after the procedure.
          6. Complete any pre-operation checklist provided by your surgeon to ensure you have all necessary supplies and arrangements in place.

          By adhering to these guidelines, you can enhance the outcome of your abdominoplasty and set the stage for a successful operation and recovery period.

          What Happens Before Tummy Tuck?

          Before tummy tuck surgery, your doctor will ask you for some tests to understand your general health. Then, if you do not have any obstacles to tummy tuck, your surgery day will be decided.

          Since you will be under general anesthesia, you will be asked to come hungry. Photographs are taken for comparison. Your doctor will examine your body for the last time and mark the places where fat intake will be made.

          The operation can be performed under sedation anesthesia and general anesthesia. The doctor and the patient decide on this issue together before the operation. Then you will be taken into surgery.

          What Happens During Tummy Tuck?

          The operation begins with anesthesia. Before the tummy tuck procedure, if your doctor deems it appropriate, liposuction will be activated.

          After shaping the area with liposuction, the tummy tuck process is started. This flabby skin is stretched from the bottom up and cut.

          The remaining part is collected and sewn in a way that is as less obvious as possible. Since the procedure is performed using tiny incisions, there will not be much scar tissue in the person.

          In addition, it may be necessary to change the location of the belly button in individuals whose abdomen has sagged too much.

          In such a case, a belly button is formed in the place where it should be again during the procedure.

          What Happens After Tummy Tuck?

          After the operation, you will be taken to the recovery room and the anesthesia team will wake you up without any risk. You will then be transferred to your room.

          Whichever type of anesthesia is chosen in the procedure, procedures are applied according to it before and after the operation. For example, an individual who receives sedation anesthesia can easily be sent home 1-2 hours after the procedure, while it may be necessary to stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days after general anesthesia.

          The same situation differs in feeding times. A patient waking up from general anesthesia and a patient released from sedation anesthesia do not eat at the same time.

          How Much Does Tummy Tuck Cost?

          Abdominoplasty, tummy tuck prices vary depending on the type of procedure you choose and depend on several other factors. The average cost for tummy tucks can range in price from $4,000 to $7,000 in Turkey-İstanbul.

          Turkey offers more affordable prices and an all-inclusive package for Tummy Tuck that includes; accommodation, 2 nights stationary at the hospital, full board, all transfers between airport-hotel-hospital airport transport, all check-ups and medical tests related to the surgery. 

          This is the most affordable tummy tuck surgery opportunity in Europe and Asia.

          How Long Is Recovery After Tummy Tuck?

          Tummy tuck recovery varies based on the procedure and individual factors like healing ability and adherence to instructions. Generally, healing takes 2-6 weeks, with patients spending a night or two in the hospital. 

          Mini tummy tuck recovery is 1-3 weeks, while extended tummy tuck recovery is 4-6 weeks. Patients should wear an abdominal binder for six weeks to support the abdomen and prevent fluid buildup. 

          Swelling, bruising, and tenderness are normal in the first three days and managed with prescribed pain medication. Support from someone is essential for at least five days post-surgery. Rest is crucial, but light movement is recommended to prevent blood clots. 

          Driving, strenuous exercise, and sex are restricted for 4-6 weeks. Weight gain post-surgery should be avoided, and a healthy diet is advised. Final results may take three months or more to fully appear, and heavy lifting should be avoided for 4-6 weeks.

          Is Tummy Tuck Painful?

          Yes, it is but can be under control by painkillers. The very first reason why a tummy tuck is painful is not because of the incision, it's just because of the muscle tightening.

          The core muscles will be sore after being sewn together from the breast bone to the pubic bone. After abdominoplasty surgery most people find normal activities such as standing up straight, walking up stairs, and getting out of a seated position or bed uncomfortable.

          The reason is simple: the stubborn muscles loved the roominess of your loose abdomen.

          For about a week after the abdominoplasty surgery, the muscles will get used to the new system and you will feel less pain.

          How Long Do Tummy Tucks Last?

          The results of the Tummy Tuck surgery depend on you living a healthy life. If you pay attention to your lifestyle, diet, and exercise then you can enjoy your results for many, many years!

          What is the Ideal Season For Tummy Tuck?

          Many experts believe that the ideal time for tummy tuck surgery is the winter season. The winter season will be the right choice so that the garment to be worn does not bother you and does not postpone your summer vacation plans.

          You can start your research in the fall season to choose the right surgeon for you. However, there is no rule that tummy tuck surgery cannot be performed in the summer. This is a sentence said only for your comfort.

          What Are The Pros and Cons Of Tummy Tuck?


          1. Tummy tuck surgery improves body shape by flattening the tummy and slimming the waistline, boosting confidence.
          2. Emotional benefits include enhanced self-confidence and motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
          3. Abdominoplasty can remove or reduce pregnancy stretch marks.
          4. Turkey offers cost-effective options for tummy tuck surgery, ensuring quality treatment at affordable prices.


          1. Abdominoplasty is a major surgery with a lengthy recovery period.
          2. Results are irreversible, so dissatisfaction means living with the outcome.
          3. Risks include bleeding, blood clots, scarring, and infection.
          4. Tummy tuck surgery is costly and usually not covered by insurance.

          What Will Abdominoplasty Surgery Scars Look Like?

          Tummy Tuck incisions generally run from hip bone to hip bone. It takes place typically very low on your abdomen, just above the pubic area. So, it’s easily concealed by underwear or a bikini.

          Abdominoplasty surgery scars will be permanent. But in 3-6 months' the pink-purple color of the scar will fade over and become less noticeable.

          Does Fat Come Back After A Tummy Tuck? (Are Tummy Tuck Results Permanent?)

          The answer is both yes and no. Fat may come back after a Tummy Tuck if your caloric intake is too high or your caloric expenditure is too low and if you gain weight. tummy tuck results.

          The fat cells which are removed in Tummy Tuck surgery are gone for good but the remaining fat cells may respond as fat cells do if you don't pay attention to gaining weight. 

          So, try to get to your goal weight and maintain it, pay attention to your diet and exercise to keep the results permanent.

          Can I Get Pregnant After a Tummy Tuck?

          If you are planning to get pregnant then it's the best decision to delay your Tummy Tuck after you have your baby. But what if you get pregnant after your Tummy Tuck surgery, don't worry you can expect a normal pregnancy after a tummy tuck.

          A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat and tightens the abdominal muscles. With that said, pregnancy may cause your abdominal muscles to loosen or skin to stretch after surgery.

          Every patient is unique, and it is not possible to predict how pregnancy will affect your surgery results. 

          What Is The Difference Between Liposuction And Tummy Tuck?

          The main difference between liposuction and tummy tuck can be summaries as; 

          Tummy Tuck surgery contains 3 main anatomic components to consider: loose skin and excess fat on the stomach and waist, and separated abdominal muscles.

          On the other hand, if fat is the main component with minimal skin excess, then liposuction can be considered.

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